Lightarian Clearings™

“Laser-like” energetic activations designed to create extraordinary spiritual path acceleration.
Benefits of receiving the Lightarian Clearings™:
Over time, the Clearing program Attunements release these adverse energies…Long-existing patterns contributing to physical stresses, discomfort and dis-ease; deep-seated emotional and mental restrictions and blockages…Limiting belief structures and unresolved soul-level spiritual issues ....
Clearing program Attunements release these adverse energies...
Long-existing patterns contributing to physical stresses, discomfort and dis-ease; deep-seated emotional and mental restrictions and blockages
Limiting belief structures and unresolved soul-level spiritual issues
Adverse patterns sourced by family, cultural, ethnic, religious and other mass-consciousness influences
Undesired implants, attachments, strong behavior patterns and addictions, detrimental past and future life influences

As a result of these releases, self-actualization – higher self integrated more and more fully into your incarnational experience – occurs and the following naturally starts to come forth in day to day life:
Your Divine Self powerfully comes forth as enhanced clearing stimulates the healing of all of your subtle bodies and the physical body as well.
Experience of more and more conscious choice and one of less and less "automatic" behavior patterns, addictions, doubts, fears and pain.
Higher vibrational energies can flow allowing chakras and subtle bodies to "anchor in more Light!"
Gifts and talents that were dormant start to surface and your ability to create joy, clarity and abundance in your life are expanded!

Level 1 – Path Clearing
In our etheric fields, each of us carries an extraordinarily complex interwoven “fabric” of limiting soul-level programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and etheric-physical stored energies which defines the boundaries and obstacles for our incarnational experience here.
These boundaries and obstacles frame in and provide the limiting structure for the challenging life scenarios that we want to experience...all those rich and colorful adverse and challenging experiences needed, at some level, for our learning and growth!
Via the Clearings, your Higher Self, in collaboration with Ascended Master El Morya, launches the releasing process for this interwoven fabric of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse stored energies!
To better understand this “fabric,” imagine that each of us a carries complex tangle of energetic “threads” sourced by adverse soul-programming in the higher chakras. View yourself as an amazingly complex “bio-computer,” and imagine how this adverse etheric programming generates these “threads” which then extend vibrationally downward into your lower energy fields.
These adverse patterns create the inappropriate, restrictive and debilitating responses in our lives that limit us and hold us back from realizing our true divine potential.
These higher vibrational adverse energies are cleared, progressively deeper layers of lower etheric energies can be accessed...ultimately leading to the releasing of deeply stored etheric patterns within your mental planes, emotional body and physical-etheric body.
Level 2 – Birth Pattern Removal
When the fetus emerges from the womb, it carries along with it the four lower subtle bodies and the beginnings of four mini-chakras (energy centers). These etheric energy fields bring forward into the new life a variety of strong, deeply ingrained patterns, both of a "positive" and an "adverse" nature.
The dominant source for these patterns has been etheric "imprinting" from the parents and any significant environmental impacts and influences during the pregnancy.
Typically, a two day period elapses between the birthing of the newborn and the final merging of the soul energies with its newborn physical body. This merging or infusion anchors in the Soul, Oversoul and Higher Self energies for the incarnation, establishing the network of chakras and subtle bodies that we call the “Lineage back to Source.”
This infusion of soul energies creates the “not-too-easily-reversed” process of establishing a human consciousness into the newborn, which already has a “story” of its own based on the etheric and physical patterns developed in the womb! Over time, the energy fields mix and merge and life unfolds.
Adverse residues of these earliest of birth-patterns remain in the individual’s lower vibrational fields and are removed as the Clearing work continues behind the scenes.

Level 3 - TemplateClearing
The etheric “body double” in the Etheric Template appears as a “direct-image” of the physical structure itself. These matching etheric and physical energies are direct reflections of each other and, in a sense, they source and influence each other.
Adverse etheric impacts eventually stimulate patterns of distortion in the Etheric Template, which set the stage for the physical body to ultimately rearrange itself...thereby producing what we would call stress, debilitation, discomfort and dis-ease.As the clearing of the “upper” and “mid-level” adverse etheric energies is accomplished, respectively, patterns of residual “lower” adverse energies within the Etheric Template become available for clearing.
The processof a more complete healing of the physical body can be launched when the residues of the accumulated adverse patterns within the Etheric Template, the “body-double,” are effectively removed.
Level 4 – Attachment Removal
Various forms of adverse energies have been given a variety of names such as etheric links, cords or connections, psychic attack lines, etheric attachments, implants, etheric devices, etc. With the general clearing of the fields and the releasing of coarser attachments, the first three types of work have already peeled away layer upon layer of adverse energies, very much like the old "layers of the onion" metaphor! After this degree of clearing has been accomplished, your Higher Self and El Morya take on the job of “mop up work” regarding attachments and are also able to access on even deeper level of energies to be cleared....a finer, more subtle layer of thread-like etheric “attachment energies.” Often in the form of very light, wispy etheric threads, these subtle attachments appear to spread out from the outermost boundaries of each of our subtle bodies, linking and attaching themselves to individuals and objects and to various external physical and etheric patterns and forms that we have interacted with over the years.
Your experience of life will shift from being dominated by “unconscious patterns of behavior, response and addiction” over to consciously making and retaining “choiceful connections!” As you shift away from operating out of your “unconscious attachments,” you begin to experience being “at choice” within your life. To perhaps further clarify this point, simply imagine functioning in life with an ever-increasing sense of objectivity, accurate assessment, clearer intention and purposefully “choosing” as you move along your life path.
In this space of “freedom to choose,” you’ll begin to see a shift in your decision-making...a shift to making more appropriate choices...choices that magically seem to align you more closely with your Higher Self energies. You’ll discover that life can be more graceful and purposeful in your work and your play!
The transition from a life of “attachments” to a life of “choiceful connections” is one of the fundamental results of the Lightarian Clearing work.

Level 5 – Lineage Clearing Some undesired energetic conditions are simply the result of mis-alignments or out-of-balances between energies that are perfectly fine! So, in these cases, there is nothing to be cleared or removed -- only the need for a re-alignment process.
The effects of mis-alignments and imbalances on the well-being of the individual can be quite complex. In an attempt to create some conscious understanding, we’ve learned that these adverse impacts can best be described in terms of “adverse belief structures.” So, imagine that at levels within your “connection back to Source,” imbalances are created when a given layer of your consciousness holds an “adverse belief” about itself.
Perhaps, a layer of Soul experiences a sense of “I’m not lovable!” or a layer of Oversoul operates with the belief of “I’ve been abandoned by Spirit!” or perhaps a layer of Higher Self carries the belief that “I’m not worthy!” The cumulative effects of these subtle adverse belief structures will perhaps color, shade and distort the experiences within your spiritual lineage and create mis-alignments.
What happens as these lineage imbalances are removed? As adjustments take place based on the Clearing work, these apparent adverse belief structure energies are dissolved. As the imbalances are removed in this process, a greater sense of alignment among your levels of Self is realized and your sense of becoming “more One” with Source is accelerated!
Level 6 - Veil Removal Finally, we turn to the most advanced level of clearing work...the releasing of veil energies! Imagine that at levels within your energies, distortions and imbalances are created because a particular point of your conscious awareness holds an “adverse belief” about the Self and/or the life experience that it is witnessing.
Perhaps, a point of Soul consciousness carries a “point of view” of “I’m not lovable!” or a point of Oversoul consciousness operates with the belief of “I’ve been abandoned by Spirit!” or perhaps a point of Higher Self consciousness carries the belief that “I’m not worthy!” The cumulative effects of these subtle adverse belief structures will “color, shade and distort the experience of the Being.” As the veils are removed, a greater ability to witness more clearly begins to manifest within all of your levels of Self and, again, your sense of becoming “more One” with Source is accelerated!

You can experience the Lightarian Clearings attunements as part of a Teacher Training or As a Client ...
Teacher Training Program - The Institute offers a unique training program for energy-work professionals, who would like to be trained and attuned for sharing the Lightarian Clearings with others. With this Training Program, you receive the Clearings attunements for your personal benefit plus learn all of the necessary methods so that you can immediately attune your own clients and train/attune your own students.
As a Client - Receiving the Lightarian Clearings attunements as a client, strictly for your own personal benefit, is very self propelling. The Clearings are passed on to you via a simple, guided-meditation technique during a one-on-one private session... over the telephone or from a distance (via remote telepathic techniques) depending on your preference.
sourced from the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation

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Makiko Kurata yoga & healing